
Eximius Refined Live-in Support is committed to providing high-quality health and social care services to our clients. We recognise the importance of effective governance in ensuring the safety, effectiveness, and sustainability of our services. This governance statement outlines our commitment to transparent and accountable governance practices in the delivery of healthcare and social support.

Principles of Governance:

Person-Centered Care: Our primary focus is on delivering care that is centered on the needs, preferences, and values of our patients and clients. We are dedicated to respecting their dignity, privacy, and autonomy in all aspects of care.

Transparency: We will maintain transparency in all our operations, including financial management, decision-making processes, and quality improvement initiatives. This includes clear communication with clients, their families, and stakeholders.

Accountability: We are committed to being accountable for our actions and decisions. This includes accountability for health and care outcomes, adherence to regulations, and the responsible use of resources.

Clinical Governance: We will establish robust clinical governance structures and processes to continuously monitor and improve the quality and safety of our healthcare services. This includes regular audits, incident reporting, and clinical effectiveness reviews.

Risk Management: We will identify, assess, and manage risks effectively to minimise harm to clients, and staff. We will also have strategies in place to respond to emergencies and crises.

Ethical and Legal Compliance: We will uphold the highest ethical standards and adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing health and social care. This includes safeguarding vulnerable individuals and respecting their rights.

Staff Development: We are committed to providing our staff with ongoing training, development opportunities, and a safe and supportive working environment. We will promote a culture of learning and improvement.

Engagement and Feedback: We value the input of clients, and staff in shaping our services. We will actively seek feedback and engage stakeholders in decision-making processes.
Equality and Diversity: We will promote equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our services, ensuring fair and equitable access to healthcare and social care for all individuals.

Continuous Improvement:

We recognise that governance is an ongoing process, and we are committed to continuously improving our governance practices. We will regularly review and update this governance statement to reflect changes in regulations, best practices, and the evolving needs of our patients and clients.


Eximius is dedicated to providing safe, effective, and compassionate health and social care services through robust governance practices. We will strive to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients, and stakeholders, upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and person-centered care at all times.